Friends don’t let friends go without a paycheck. 

You’ve been hustling hard and putting everything you have back into your business. BUT is that actually sustainable? Does it feel good to put everything in, and get nothing back out?

If I had to guess, you’re craving the rewards of your long nights, and the fruit of all those weekends you said “no” to a night out on the town.


Friend, you need the Set Your Compensation Builder.

It’s a powerhouse tool that is, well... like having your own Accountant in your pocket! It's like a magic money fairy whispering in your ear to remind you of your goals and dreams that got you started in this business. 

Plug in your household numbers and wha-la! Out pops the number you need to be making to meet your personal goals as a CEO and business owner. 

The spending plan you create with this tool can help you determine what your break-even income needs to be so that you can give yourself a paycheck each month. 

How does that sound?

Image of Julaine in coral shirt, smiling with arms folded around her.

Not that long ago, I was in your shoes.

It can be easy to look at someone who has “made it,” or achieved what looks like “business success.” 

Everyone starts somewhere. Numbers have always been my jam. 

Before becoming an entrepreneur, I was the division Chief Financial Officer for AT&T Broadband. My day-to-day involved planning, managing, and forecasting for this cable service giant’s financial picture. 

I decided to take the leap out of my corporate job because I'd lost sight of my purpose. 

Stepping back was my way of refocusing; and being a mother, it was also an obvious choice so that I could spend more time with my family. My corporate job had sucked me dry - it paid well, but the hours I spent at work were no longer worth it. 

After a few years of soul searching, I decided to step into entrepreneurship. 

My heart leaped with joy as I knew I'd found my calling. 

It wasn’t easy - there were many days I had no idea where the next paycheck was coming from. Days where I put money into my business hoping to give it more fuel so it could make it to the next milestone. 

I learned how to set my own compensation; saving, spending, and investing with clear goals to achieve the next step. Asking myself intentional questions like: 

  • How much do I need to meet my needs? 
  • What is the standard of living that I want to keep?
  • How much do I need to make to fund the desires and dreams I have for my life?

Then, it happened! My business started to gain traction; like running on ice and all of a sudden you start moving forward. 

My mindset around money shifted when I set specific goals and set boundaries around the finances of my business. 

Fast forward a few years and I am now a business coach for purpose-driven entrepreneurs, a managing partner at my thriving accounting firm, and serving on the board of many local non-profits. 

What would change in the way you show up in your business if you knew exactly how much you needed to make to pay yourself? … all because you clearly defined what that goal needed to be?

What if you had a tool that walked you through how you can begin to pay yourself AND gave you the “magic number” you need to achieve?

What if you never had to get lost in confusion riding the struggle bus over attempting to crunch numbers that may or may not give you the data you need to make profitable decisions?

DeBorrah Carter

Wow! Thank you Julaine. I wish I had this tool a few weeks ago when I submitted my budget, to the State, along with my incorporation papers.  However, it's never too late to make adjustments. Now that I can fully focus, I will be working on this compensation budget!

Laptop mockup with image that says

If you’re willing to spend an hour or two of your time to complete the personal budget plan within the Set Your Compensation Builder, you’ll get that magic number that has kept you in the dark about how much to give yourself as a paycheck. 

No more guessing! Easy plug and play numbers to get you back to creating!

Download Your Copy Today For $19

Is your calendar paralyzingly packed? Take a deep breath! Not to worry; I made this tool as simple as possible with a walk-through by yours truly. 

The Set Your Compensation Builder tallies your ideal “business owner salary” as you input your personal annual expenses. The compensation result is tailored for your unique goals, dreams, and obligations.  

That means for less than a week's worth of Venti Iced Lattes in Seattle, you can have confidence you are paying yourself enough, without sucking your business dry, 

It’s a powerful tool that is going to save you hours of anxiety, confusion, and worry by bringing you clarity about how much to pay yourself.

Download Your Copy Today For $19
Mockup of Laptop, desktop, and tablet that show an image of the

Hey friend… the Set Your Compensation Builder works even if you’ve felt defeated because you haven’t been paying yourself up to this point. 

Image of Julaine and Kayla; Julaine is leaned forward smiling at the camera, Kaila, is smiling while looking over her shoulder.

We're on a mission to equip purpose-driven business owners like you with tools like this so that you can be successful in the marketplace. 

You have a giving heart and you deeply want your business to succeed, but you’re doing it at the expense of your own wellbeing. 

This tool takes the confusion out of what you should pay yourself. 

It takes the overwhelm out of attempting to get your own math right. 

It takes the questioning and doubts out of “how much does my business need to make?”

And it also restores meaning to what the numbers you are working so hard to achieve are for. 

When your numbers are allocated with the intention to meet your goals, you are ready to tackle the daily to-do list with confidence, knowing it has a bigger purpose. You no longer need to guess what you should be making. Knowing your Compensation number will eliminate the guesswork!

✨ Imagine knowing exactly how much you need to make each month to pay yourself. 

✨ Imagine brimming with clarity and confidence as you set your custom pricing. 

✨ Imagine paying yourself in your thriving business. 

The Set Your Compensation Builder eliminates the overwhelm, the questioning, and the doubt you’ve previously felt about what you should be paying yourself.

Download Your Copy Today For $19

Inside the Set Your Compensation Builder:

  Spending Plan Categories to Organize Your Needs, Wants, and Desires
  Needs, Wants, and Desires Framework as the Foundation of Your Numbers
  Step-by-Step Written Instructions and a Guided Video Tutorial
  Access to both Excel and Google Sheet Tools

Valued at $54


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